Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Bird monks, a druid elf girl, myself, future self, even more future self, and De Young art museum sketches.

Late Night Sketch

This was done in probably 15 minutes while watching Tangled. Playing with brushes makes for some fun quick experiments.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Coffee shop sketchin' at Matching Half in SF. Good times.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


There are so many dwarves! I'm looking forward to getting to the rest of 'em, but now it's time to work on some doomed Trolls. Excellent.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Ravenskye Comics

I've been working at Lolapps, Inc. for about a year now. This is a comic I did for the game Ravenskye City. I've had a blast working with the team to create this game. Copyright 6Waves Lolapps.

It's been a blast learning how to work in a more graphic style with stylized characters. I've learned so much from my friends at Lolapps, so many talented artists. You can find their links on this blog. These characters were designed by the uber-talented Elie Dagher. This short story was written by the incredibly talented Nate Berna.

Friday, February 03, 2012


Making some hobbit fan art. I've been wanting to make art for this book since I first read it in college.